Greetings and thank you for checking this page out. My intention with this article to disseminate quality information with respect to Coronavirus/COVID-19 and health in general. There is not much point in recommending  people do more...
Your professional source of COVID & Vaccine Information not found on Mainstream Media.
Greetings, thank you for checking this page out.As per my health, and climate pages, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent material regarding: The World Economic Forum...

NHS Insider

I got an email this morning from a follower, an NHS worker - give their email a read and let me know what you think. Name is omitted.Links now working!***Dear Mr Bloom, I work in the NHS. As...
Received In My Email Inbox:Friends, My son's father-in-law is a recently retired physician of forty-four years. He keeps up with all the Covid-19 claims. Here is a brief summary that he sent me recently.Covid, like influenza, is...
Another Email from a follower. Please read and let me know what you think! Name omitted, 2 parts.***Hi Godfrey Propaganda update. We had a senior nurse manager from York District Hospital...
We are all asking this question, we hear the word but don’t understand the meaning. The word is almost globally well received with the exception of Sponsors of the Shanghai  Agreement, so what might be a fair...
Hi Godders.Just been talking to a friend about mRNA vaccine dangers and he pointed out some things you might be able to use.He's spent his life in research and has more published papers than you can shake...
We seem to be desperately retreating from the age of enlightenment where science was based on evidence & philosophy drove social progress. My main comment on my Twitter Feed now is ‘the...
Many years ago part of my professional exams included data interpretation, I studied further as my research role expanded to include pension fund management & mortality statistics. I particularly enjoyed distance learning with Austin...

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