Another Email from a follower. Please read and let me know what you think! Name omitted, 2 parts.***Hi Godfrey Propaganda update. We had a senior nurse manager from York District Hospital...
We seem to be desperately retreating from the age of enlightenment where science was based on evidence & philosophy drove social progress. My main comment on my Twitter Feed now is ‘the...
We are all asking this question, we hear the word but don’t understand the meaning. The word is almost globally well received with the exception of Sponsors of the Shanghai  Agreement, so what might be a fair...
Confidence in MSM it appears has fallen by a whopping 25%, from I suspect an all time low in any event. There are a number of reasons for this in my view but out of sheer frustration I commit...
You were probably brought up on such medical TV programmes, depending on your age, as Dr.Kildare, Emergency Ward 10, Dr. Finlay’s Casebook or the many subsequent  programmes of a similar genre. The implication of such programmes is...
Received In My Email Inbox:Friends, My son's father-in-law is a recently retired physician of forty-four years. He keeps up with all the Covid-19 claims. Here is a brief summary that he sent me recently.Covid, like influenza, is...

NHS Insider

I got an email this morning from a follower, an NHS worker - give their email a read and let me know what you think. Name is omitted.Links now working!***Dear Mr Bloom, I work in the NHS. As...
I enjoyed a most enjoyable discussion on the numbers with the informed, articulate & fragrant Rebecca Butler secretary to the Free Speech Campaign, sponsored by Open Dialogus.  As a number crunching nerd myself it is always fun...
An interesting failure of representative politics took place in September, long debated in the country a private members bill came to fruition, a very modest step towards assisted suicide for those in terminal and painful decline medically with no...
As a not infrequent visitor to Hindustan, that market place wandering cow, grazing on cut flowers and fruit on the market stalls is an amusing and rather endearing sight. No great damage is done to the sub continent's economy...

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