I wrote my first article for The Army Review in 1982, defence strategy then was straightforward, the Soviet Union was both ideologically & militarily arraigned against the west. NATO held the fort, largely American funded with a modest but...
There is one thing sure, death & taxes. We are all going to die, we all know that don’t  we ? There are no exceptions. It is why we have car insurance (we might crash) & life...

War Never Works

Perhaps I should say in W S Gilbert style ‘well hardly ever’. When struggling for a theme for my graduation strategy thesis for at the Royal College of Defence Studies I felt a suitable...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ0e5l4iLAQAs a confirmed libertarian you might expect I am hostile to the concept of trade unions. Not at all. It is very libertarian to form a group to bargain with employers for better pay & conditions. What...

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