Back in the 1960s Hayek wrote an essay entitled ‘why I’m not a Conservative’.
A few years ago I used the title for a lecture I gave to the Cambridge University Conservative Association. I also defeated a motion ‘This House...
The original concept of democracy as envisaged by the ancient Athenians was a society which governed itself under the guiding hand of citizens who were the contributors to that society.To use the American expression, they had ‘skin in the...
The European Union is one of the least understood organisations in the United Kingdom. The reason for this primarily is neither mainstream media nor the political class have moved on from the concept of the Common Market.
The long term...
There seems to be a lack of historical perspective concerning the division of opinion in the country today. The great & the good argue, no doubt for their own benefit, it is unprecedented. The Archbishop of Canterbury, surely the...
For five years (2004-9) I sat on the European Parliamentary Consumer Affairs committee, a woeful experience indeed but with occasional flashes of unintended humour. One forlorn afternoon in Brussels we sat deliberating on European bottle shapes, no I’m not...
Godfrey Bloom Interview With Claudio Grass - Parts 1 & 2
Original Articles On Claudio's Website***
A lot has been said and written about Britain’s political and economic woes since...