Back in the 1980s my enlightened commanding officer sponsored a few of his officers to study under the enlightened Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Professor of Soviet Studies Chris Donnelly.

Military & War

Greetings and thank you for checking this page out. As per my health, climate & WEF pages, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent...
In no way do I wish to be negative about the excellent start, at least rhetorically the new Prime Minister has made. But we must be wary of the police numbers game, as indeed we must on defence policy,...
The demise of the serious defence correspondents in MSM have left the nation exposed to geo political military mistakes of epic proportions. Jonathan Beale at the BBC  & Lucy Fisher at The Times are splendid Gilbertian figures of pomp...

The Age Of Unreason

We seem to be desperately retreating from the age of enlightenment where science was based on evidence & philosophy drove social progress. My main comment on my Twitter Feed now is ‘the...
The Libertarian Party in the United Kingdom commissioned Godfrey Bloom to give an independent analysis as to the state of our military defences and procurement. For Libertarians, Defence is the only legitimate role of the State, our stance is...
I wrote my first article for The Army Review in 1982, defence strategy then was straightforward, the Soviet Union was both ideologically & militarily arraigned against the west. NATO held the fort, largely American funded with a modest but...


An excellent email from a follower on the shambles.*** Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP Dear Philip,In regards to the recent events in Afghanistan, initiated by the reckless actions of the...
The British have punched above their weight for three hundred years, economically, militarily, socially & geo politically culminating at the end of the 19th Century with the greatest empire the world has ever seen. It was curtailed by...

War Never Works

Perhaps I should say in W S Gilbert style ‘well hardly ever’. When struggling for a theme for my graduation strategy thesis for at the Royal College of Defence Studies I felt a suitable...

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