Greetings. Please see below for all the critical links regarding how to fight back against Transgender Activism – whether it is in your gym, or your workplace. Please see my introduction to the topic via my interview with Emma Hardy.
‘Gender Critical Beliefs’ are the equivalent of being ‘Mask Exempt’. Every sane person you meet is ‘Gender Critical’, however they don’t know that this is the official terminology AND these beliefs are legally protected as recently as June 2022.
This means you are under no obligation to go along with someone else’s gender beliefs, or be compelled to use language you do not believe in or treat a person as the opposite sex (i.e. allow biological men to access females single-sex facilities etc).
Understanding Stonewall Risk – Gender Critical Beliefs (the belief that sex is binary male or female and can not be changed) became protected under the Equality Act as recently as June 2022 (because of Maya Forstater’s employment discrimination case, she is now the Executive Director of Sex Matters).
Supporting Docs/Links
Sex Matters
(Human Rights organisation providing guidance and template policy documents across all sectors)
UK Active Transgender Guidance 2020
(Provides guidance across the leisure and sports sector)
David Lloyds Terms and Conditions 2022
Sex Matters – Understanding Stonewall Risk
Equality Act 2010 Protects Gender Critical Beliefs
Transgender Crime Studies
David Lloyd & UK Active Correspondence
(Explaining the how the guidance is in direct odds with the terms and conditions & gender critical beliefs)