Is there, or has there ever been a special relationship between America and Great Britain? Certainly it was something President Obama sneered at, but I suspect this is perhaps his lack of a traditional education rather than any other...
The last close examination of the English class system was over twenty five years ago, Jilly Cooper͛s frighteningly accurate and wickedly funny book which still works in part.
I was musing on the class system the other day although quite...
For five years (2004-9) I sat on the European Parliamentary Consumer Affairs committee, a woeful experience indeed but with occasional flashes of unintended humour. One forlorn afternoon in Brussels we sat deliberating on European bottle shapes, no I’m not...
There seems to be a lack of historical perspective concerning the division of opinion in the country today. The great & the good argue, no doubt for their own benefit, it is unprecedented. The Archbishop of Canterbury, surely the...
I am & have been a London clubman most of my life. I have been accused of being a Wodehousian character over the years, I am happy with that, his characters, even the villains are never all...
I am always bemused by the number of otherwise intelligent people who insist on labelling themselves atheists. It is extraordinarily irrational. I intend to outline a case here not for creationism, a step too far for some, but...
I have been struggling for a reasonable historical analogy to illustrate where the western democracies are going today. As we have clearly entered a new dark age I do not intend to hypothesise when exactly it happened,...