Greetings and thank you for checking this page out. My intention with this article to disseminate quality information with respect to Coronavirus/COVID-19 and health in general. There is not much point in recommending  people do more...
Greetings and thank you once again for checking this page out.As per my health page, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent material regarding Climate Change /...
Your professional source of COVID & Vaccine Information not found on Mainstream Media.

NHS Insider

I got an email this morning from a follower, an NHS worker - give their email a read and let me know what you think. Name is omitted.Links now working!***Dear Mr Bloom, I work in the NHS. As...
Received In My Email Inbox:Friends, My son's father-in-law is a recently retired physician of forty-four years. He keeps up with all the Covid-19 claims. Here is a brief summary that he sent me recently.Covid, like influenza, is...

NHS Insider #2

Another Email from a follower. Please read and let me know what you think! Name omitted, 2 parts.***Hi Godfrey Propaganda update. We had a senior nurse manager from York District Hospital...
I am always bemused by the number of otherwise intelligent people who insist on labelling themselves atheists. It is extraordinarily irrational. I intend to outline a case here not for creationism, a step too far for some, but...
Many years ago part of my professional exams included data interpretation, I studied further as my research role expanded to include pension fund management & mortality statistics. I particularly enjoyed distance learning with Austin...
Well - the response to my interest in bitcoin over the past week has been nothing short of amazing. I was totally surprised at the passion and interaction I was getting for simply saying I plan to buy some...
My final article in my wee trilogy on data interpretation I examine who benefits from the manipulation of state data. It is usually sound policy when investigating the often bizarre antics of the state to follow the...

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