For five years (2004-9) I sat on the European Parliamentary Consumer Affairs committee, a woeful experience indeed but with occasional flashes of unintended humour. One forlorn afternoon in Brussels we sat deliberating on European bottle shapes, no I’m not...
My lockdown is idyllic, I am one of the most fortunate people in England at the moment. We have a smallholding in the East Riding of Yorkshire, close to the river Derwent which is the border between the North & East...
Is there, or has there ever been a special relationship between America and Great Britain? Certainly it was something President Obama sneered at, but I suspect this is perhaps his lack of a traditional education rather than any other...
Modern society never it seems these days platforms morality debates. BBC’s Moral Maze went woke decades ago which negates the whole point of a philosophical discussion. I list here a number of moral questions on which the...
Fifteen years ago I wrote an aide memoire on speed cameras & their futility on road safety, I co-authored it with an old fashioned traffic cop when I was in office. Subsequently I was asked to be... a confirmed libertarian you might expect I am hostile to the concept of trade unions. Not at all. It is very libertarian to form a group to bargain with employers for better pay & conditions. What...
I am always bemused by the number of otherwise intelligent people who insist on labelling themselves atheists. It is extraordinarily irrational. I intend to outline a case here not for creationism, a step too far for some, but...
Godfrey Bloom Interview With Claudio Grass - Parts 1 & 2
Original Articles On Claudio's Website***
A lot has been said and written about Britain’s political and economic woes since...
Modern Monetary Theory or MMT is supposedly the new kid on the block - espoused by the likes of Paul Krugman, Will Hutton & various other so-called economists - whose claim to fame is a track record...
Most problems that blight the lives of ordinary folk are caused by politicians.
In a democracy one might suggest this is counter intuitive, but democracy has mutated since its Athenian concept so drastically it...