I saw a piece to camera from Sonia Poulton before Christmas who felt Hollywood was less than helpful in its portrayal of a Christmas as a sugary confection of unreasonable expectation. True of course because an idealised...
Last year I outlined my unease at the prospect of a TTIP agreement, simplistically a trade bloc deal between America and the EU. The concept was unpopular with many but, as I wrote at the time, probably not for...
They Voted Leave The BREXIT referendum is over, more emotion than information sadly and much nonsense talked about economics, so a few pointers to hopefully throw some light where none has been hitherto. Let us look at some numbers but...
This material has not yet received editorial screening This is a good website to add to your Internet reading Civilian Intelligence Networkhttps://tinyurl.com/47merc4aCOVID-19 Vaccine is Sterilizing Males and Females Using HIV “spike” protein.https://tinyurl.com/vr4tz2zuPost-COVID-19 Vaccination...
In labeling NATO a dangerous “anacronym” the general has chosen the perfect title for his timely essay pointing out that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has morphed from a strictly defensive pact, governed by tightly worded treaty terms, into...
There has been much debate about the EU army, most of it whether it is needed or not. This is all irrelevant as the EU project is working towards a centralised state with a single currency, tax policy and...
In the past hundred years, the annual service at the cenotaph has shown our sad leaders and politicians of every hue stand with heads bowed in prayer to honour our war dead. Those politicians more often than not wore...
It seems the ‘Western’ Democracies are stumbling into a new dark age, the historical perspective would suggest the Roman Empire has the template for ultimate failure. An inability to protect its borders, the degradation...
Greetings to you all. Godfrey Bloom is a lover of America & it's constitution - but a hater of Washington Neo-Cons, The FBI, The Fed & The CIA.This page will contain my...
I remember only too well when I was a budding City slicker, bright eyed and bushy tailed, a mop of blond hair, keen to please,looking forward expectantly to a long holiday weekend of a late Friday afternoon, sun streaming...

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