A New Dark Age

I have been struggling for a reasonable historical analogy to illustrate  where the western democracies are going today. As we have clearly entered a new dark age I do not intend to hypothesise when exactly it happened,...
I wrote my first article for The Army Review in 1982, defence strategy then was straightforward, the Soviet Union was both ideologically & militarily arraigned against the west. NATO held the fort, largely American funded with a modest but...

War Never Works

Perhaps I should say in W S Gilbert style ‘well hardly ever’. When struggling for a theme for my graduation strategy thesis for at the Royal College of Defence Studies I felt a suitable...
I joined the County of London Yeomanry in 1967, a very callow youth indeed but many of the senior NCOs were Korean veterans. Most national servicemen at the time, Royal Ulster Rifles, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, Gloucesters, (Glorious Glosters) gunners,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ0e5l4iLAQAs a confirmed libertarian you might expect I am hostile to the concept of trade unions. Not at all. It is very libertarian to form a group to bargain with employers for better pay & conditions. What...
My lockdown is idyllic, I am one of the most fortunate people in England at the moment. We have a smallholding in the East Riding of Yorkshire, close to the river Derwent which is the border between the North & East...

Lord Salisbury

Back in the 1960s Hayek wrote an essay entitled ‘why I’m not a Conservative’. A few years ago I used the title for a lecture I gave to the Cambridge University Conservative Association. I also defeated a motion ‘This House...
The Libertarian Party in the United Kingdom commissioned Godfrey Bloom to give an independent analysis as to the state of our military defences and procurement. For Libertarians, Defence is the only legitimate role of the State, our stance is...
It grieves me deeply to have to write this piece, I am a staunch monarchist as are my forbears & extended family, I hold the Queen’s Commission as did my father & have written extensively  in the...
There is one thing sure, death & taxes. We are all going to die, we all know that don’t  we ? There are no exceptions. It is why we have car insurance (we might crash) & life...

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