It focuses the mind does it not when a monarch attains the age of 90, remains popular and is still very active. The constitutional monarchy bears closer examination as the longest running system of democratic government. It cannot be...
What is a ‘common currency’? It is frustrating to hear Eurosceptics argue that the common currency is the source of Europe’s woes, there are indeed many causes but the euro is not one of them. I have already written a...
Ponder for a moment, if you will, do you drive a 1950s car. Or listen to a 1950s wireless. Or perhaps still use an old Bakelite telephone. What about typewriters, television or calculating machine? Of course, you don’t. So...
Many years ago I sat through the most fascinating lectures on Soviet studies delivered by RMA Sandhurst professor Chris Donnelly. In those far off days as a subaltern, I used to peer through the wire on the inner German border...
The Schengen Agreement is another triumph of academic, idealistic and unworldly sentiment. It comes from the same type of group-think that gave us high rise apartment blocks (that no one wants to live in), massive schools of mixed ability classes...
Youth unemployment in Western Europe and the Anglosphere appears to be becoming chronic. A bit like that summer cold that just won’t go away, yet it is not a global phenomenon. Some of the causes must be assessed. They...
For the conviction Free Trader, the international classical liberal TTIP is  very natural progression in a global society especially between two great trading blocks theUSA and the EU. It begs the expectation of such supporters of 19th century advocates...
I remember only too well when I was a budding City slicker, bright eyed and bushy tailed, a mop of blond hair, keen to please,looking forward expectantly to a long holiday weekend of a late Friday afternoon, sun streaming...
The study of law has fascinated mankind almost since the beginning of time, but for the purposes of modern appraisal in a secular society it is probably pragmatic to restrict the debate to what society requires of law what...
There has been much debate about the EU army, most of it whether it is needed or not. This is all irrelevant as the EU project is working towards a centralised state with a single currency, tax policy and...

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