
The Fiscal Gap

I wonder what would happen if our bank manager called us in because he was worried about our spending.  The Chancellor of the Exchequer of course has no bank manager in the way we do.  But he has a...
Modern Monetary Theory or MMT is supposedly the new kid on the block - espoused by the likes of Paul Krugman, Will Hutton & various other so-called economists - whose claim to fame is a track record...
In the past hundred years, the annual service at the cenotaph has shown our sad leaders and politicians of every hue stand with heads bowed in prayer to honour our war dead. Those politicians more often than not wore...
It focuses the mind does it not when a monarch attains the age of 90, remains popular and is still very active. The constitutional monarchy bears closer examination as the longest running system of democratic government. It cannot be...
Well - the response to my interest in bitcoin over the past week has been nothing short of amazing. I was totally surprised at the passion and interaction I was getting for simply saying I plan to buy some...
It is always a pleasure to come and speak to the Swinton Circle, although not the easiest of tasks, like the Cambridge University Conservative Association or Mises Institute the audiences are some of the most informed in the world,...
There seems to be a lack of historical perspective concerning the division of opinion in the country today. The great & the good argue, no doubt for their own benefit, it is unprecedented. The Archbishop of Canterbury, surely the...
It has been a source of constant amazement to me after 35 years in the City and ten in politics how few people understand money , I do not mean the scatter brained amongst us who squander it on...
Followers of my blogs will know I have long been critical of the modern police ‘service’. It is slightly unfair to divorce police from CPS, political & Home Office failure but a start has to be made, so I start...
Many years ago I sat through the most fascinating lectures on Soviet studies delivered by RMA Sandhurst professor Chris Donnelly. In those far off days as a subaltern, I used to peer through the wire on the inner German border...

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