The WEF is basically an organization run by Malthusian ideologues. Its goal is therefore is massive global population reduction, a terrifying concept when the oligarchs making policy control the World Health Organization in turn mandated by Western...
Your professional source of COVID & Vaccine Information not found on Mainstream Media.
Godfrey Bloom Interview With Claudio Grass - Parts 1 & 2
Original Articles On Claudio's Website***
A lot has been said and written about Britain’s political and economic woes since...
We seem to be desperately retreating from the age of enlightenment where science was based on evidence & philosophy drove social progress. My main comment on my Twitter Feed now is ‘the...
Perhaps I should say in W S Gilbert style ‘well hardly ever’.
When struggling for a theme for my graduation strategy thesis for at the Royal College of Defence Studies I felt a suitable...
As a long term number cruncher in the field of investment management & life assurance & pension mortality data I am constantly amazed how long journalists, politicians, academics & scientists on the public payroll can close their...
I enjoyed a most enjoyable discussion on the numbers with the informed, articulate & fragrant Rebecca Butler secretary to the Free Speech Campaign, sponsored by Open Dialogus. As a number crunching nerd myself it is always fun...
Greetings, thank you for checking this page out.As per my health, and climate pages, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent material regarding: The World Economic Forum...
Greetings and thank you once again for checking this page out.As per my health page, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent material regarding Climate Change /...
Most problems that blight the lives of ordinary folk are caused by politicians.
In a democracy one might suggest this is counter intuitive, but democracy has mutated since its Athenian concept so drastically it...