Many years ago now, or so it seems, at the height of the Cold War my commanding officer had the foresight to enrol some of his junior officers on a Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst post graduate Soviet Studies course...
The relationship between administrative systems and family well-being is long established. IDDE have shown recently working with the Heritage Foundation the marked correlation between strong electoral input and economic freedom, with the not unnatural result GDP per capita is...
It focuses the mind does it not when a monarch attains the age of 90, remains popular and is still very active. The constitutional monarchy bears closer examination as the longest running system of democratic government. It cannot be...
Well - the response to my interest in bitcoin over the past week has been nothing short of amazing. I was totally surprised at the passion and interaction I was getting for simply saying I plan to buy some...
As a long term number cruncher in the field of investment management & life assurance & pension mortality data I am constantly amazed how long journalists, politicians, academics & scientists on the public payroll can close their...
A few weeks ago there was one of those 'storm in teacup rows which somehow capture the imagination. An eminent violinist, Kwa Wha Chung, a lady of great ability and old world Asian courtesy was driven to exasperation by...
I was a fly on the wall when the BBC retained ICM and felt I should share my eavesdroppings with you. It went something like this.
Dumbledey, 'The Director General feels that in view of the sensitive nature of election...
Fifteen years ago I wrote an aide memoire on speed cameras & their futility on road safety, I co-authored it with an old fashioned traffic cop when I was in office. Subsequently I was asked to be...
Youth unemployment in Western Europe and the Anglosphere appears to be becoming chronic. A bit like that summer cold that just won’t go away, yet it is not a global phenomenon. Some of the causes must be assessed. They...
My lockdown is idyllic, I am one of the most fortunate people in England at the moment. We have a smallholding in the East Riding of Yorkshire, close to the river Derwent which is the border between the North & East...