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We seem to be desperately retreating from the age of enlightenment where science was based on evidence & philosophy drove social progress. My main comment on my Twitter Feed now is ‘the...
Believe me my young friend there is nothing, absolutely nothing, half as much worth doing as simply messing about in boats (Ratty to Mole, Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows)
I first started...
As a long term number cruncher in the field of investment management & life assurance & pension mortality data I am constantly amazed how long journalists, politicians, academics & scientists on the public payroll can close their... a confirmed libertarian you might expect I am hostile to the concept of trade unions. Not at all. It is very libertarian to form a group to bargain with employers for better pay & conditions. What...
Let me make something clear at the outset of this article. I am a bitcoin supporter, I own bitcoin & the concept is brilliant & I have supported & observed it for years. Glad I got that...
Modern society never it seems these days platforms morality debates. BBC’s Moral Maze went woke decades ago which negates the whole point of a philosophical discussion. I list here a number of moral questions on which the...
Greetings and thank you once again for checking this page out.As per my health page, I intend for this post to be constantly updated with top independent material regarding Climate Change /...
Fifteen years ago I wrote an aide memoire on speed cameras & their futility on road safety, I co-authored it with an old fashioned traffic cop when I was in office. Subsequently I was asked to be...
I am & have been a London clubman most of my life. I have been accused of being a Wodehousian character over the years, I am happy with that, his characters, even the villains are never all...