A few weeks ago there was one of those 'storm in teacup rows which somehow capture the imagination. An eminent violinist, Kwa Wha Chung, a lady of great ability and old world Asian courtesy was driven to exasperation by...
Believe me my young friend there is nothing,  absolutely nothing, half as much worth doing as simply messing about in boats (Ratty to Mole, Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows) I first started...
I am & have been a London clubman most of my life. I have been accused of being a Wodehousian character over the years, I am happy with that, his characters, even the villains are never all...
The relationship between administrative systems and family well-being is long established. IDDE have shown recently working with the Heritage Foundation the marked correlation between strong electoral input and economic freedom, with the not unnatural result GDP per capita is...
The 65th birthday is something of a marker by society, it means you are officially old. You can, of course, kid yourself it is the new forty, you are in late middle age, but you are not. You have...
Well - the response to my interest in bitcoin over the past week has been nothing short of amazing. I was totally surprised at the passion and interaction I was getting for simply saying I plan to buy some...

NHS Insider

I got an email this morning from a follower, an NHS worker - give their email a read and let me know what you think. Name is omitted.Links now working!***Dear Mr Bloom, I work in the NHS. As...
As a not infrequent visitor to Hindustan, that market place wandering cow, grazing on cut flowers and fruit on the market stalls is an amusing and rather endearing sight. No great damage is done to the sub continent's economy...

NHS Insider #2

Another Email from a follower. Please read and let me know what you think! Name omitted, 2 parts.***Hi Godfrey Propaganda update. We had a senior nurse manager from York District Hospital...
I was a fly on the wall when the BBC retained ICM and felt I should share my eavesdroppings with you. It went something like this. Dumbledey, 'The Director General feels that in view of the sensitive nature of election...

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