Fifteen years ago I wrote an aide memoire on speed cameras & their futility on road safety, I co-authored it with an old fashioned traffic cop when I was in office. Subsequently  I was asked to be...
The British have punched above their weight for three hundred years, economically, militarily, socially & geo politically culminating at the end of the 19th Century with the greatest empire the world has ever seen. It was curtailed by...
Youth unemployment in Western Europe and the Anglosphere appears to be becoming chronic. A bit like that summer cold that just won’t go away, yet it is not a global phenomenon. Some of the causes must be assessed. They...
In no way do I wish to be negative about the excellent start, at least rhetorically the new Prime Minister has made. But we must be wary of the police numbers game, as indeed we must on defence policy,...
As I enter my seventy fifth year I ponder the most depressing decay of my country not dissimilar to the fall of the Roman Empire. Indeed like that empire it is totally self inflicted. The results of...

NHS Insider

I got an email this morning from a follower, an NHS worker - give their email a read and let me know what you think. Name is omitted.Links now working!***Dear Mr Bloom, I work in the NHS. As...

A New Dark Age

I have been struggling for a reasonable historical analogy to illustrate  where the western democracies are going today. As we have clearly entered a new dark age I do not intend to hypothesise when exactly it happened,...
For the conviction Free Trader, the international classical liberal TTIP is  very natural progression in a global society especially between two great trading blocks theUSA and the EU. It begs the expectation of such supporters of 19th century advocates...
Most problems that blight the lives of ordinary folk are caused by politicians. In a democracy one might suggest this is counter intuitive, but democracy has mutated since its  Athenian concept so drastically it...
The Schengen Agreement is another triumph of academic, idealistic and unworldly sentiment. It comes from the same type of group-think that gave us high rise apartment blocks (that no one wants to live in), massive schools of mixed ability classes...

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