The last close examination of the English class system was over twenty five years ago, Jilly Cooper͛s frighteningly accurate and wickedly funny book which still works in part. I was musing on the class system the other day although quite... a confirmed libertarian you might expect I am hostile to the concept of trade unions. Not at all. It is very libertarian to form a group to bargain with employers for better pay & conditions. What...
There seems to be a lack of historical perspective concerning the division of opinion in the country today. The great & the good argue, no doubt for their own benefit, it is unprecedented. The Archbishop of Canterbury, surely the...
The relationship between administrative systems and family well-being is long established. IDDE have shown recently working with the Heritage Foundation the marked correlation between strong electoral input and economic freedom, with the not unnatural result GDP per capita is...
It might be fruitful to examine the phenomenon of European citizenship given the commission’s posturing on the thorny subject of an EU army. Leaving a purely mercenary aspect aside, Goorkas, Swiss Guard and privately raised fighting forces, most armies...
It grieves me deeply to have to write this piece, I am a staunch monarchist as are my forbears & extended family, I hold the Queen’s Commission as did my father & have written extensively  in the...
It focuses the mind does it not when a monarch attains the age of 90, remains popular and is still very active. The constitutional monarchy bears closer examination as the longest running system of democratic government. It cannot be...
The study of law has fascinated mankind almost since the beginning of time, but for the purposes of modern appraisal in a secular society it is probably pragmatic to restrict the debate to what society requires of law what...

NHS Insider #2

Another Email from a follower. Please read and let me know what you think! Name omitted, 2 parts.***Hi Godfrey Propaganda update. We had a senior nurse manager from York District Hospital...
I was a fly on the wall when the BBC retained ICM and felt I should share my eavesdroppings with you. It went something like this. Dumbledey, 'The Director General feels that in view of the sensitive nature of election...

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